Showing 28 Result(s)

The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz

Your Book of Laws We all have our books of Laws, like government or churches. It says right or wrong, good or bad, and many other things. Unfortunately, our books of Laws are not telling us what the truths are, but telling us whatever others believe. From the young age chapter 1, to the whatever …


Have you ever talked to any Like-Minded person recently?? Let’s assume that Like-minded is not always positive. So, maybe when you’re gossiping with your like-minded friend about someone else who is not there with you at the moment?? Or something like I did today at OMRF with C. Thanks C for your time and sharing …

Philosophies of self: East-West distinctions

People in the East and West really do think differently, especially when it comes to self-identity. Depending where you live, either associative or distinctive thinking will shape your sense of self. You can learn a lot about yourself by looking through the lens of a different worldview. Gish Jen presents that awareness here by comparing …

Eastern philosophy says there is no “self.”

“Why are you unhappy? Because 99.9 percent of everything you think, and of everything you do, is for yourself — and there isn’t one.” – Wei Wu Wei Western philosophy typically conceptualizes the self as a stable, controlling entity, comparable to a pilot, while Eastern philosophies such as Buddhism argue that the self is an …