Showing 23 Result(s)

Which one is REAL YOU???

Our minds are constantly filled with noise of inner thoughts, some beneficial, others detrimental. Given the difficulty in distinguishing between authentic and inauthentic voices within ourselves, have you struggled with this challenge, or have you mastered the art of silencing the noise to uncover your true self? I found this useful debate on one of …

Apple in your Mind??

You: Imagine an apple. What kind of apple comes to mind? Son: (Thinks) You: There are so many apple varieties! Is there any way I can know for sure what exact apple you pictured? The Imaginary Apple This short story is about subjectivity and the limitations of communication. The Point: Possible Applications: Further Exploration: It …


Feeling stuck? Uninspired? It’s time to rewrite your story! Your emotions hold the key. Are you fired up 😁 or feeling down 😡? This very feeling can be your superpower. It shapes how you see the past, and guess what? You have the power to change that! Think of a past experience. Maybe a time …

Two Down Two to GO

There are two eminent scientists I like, Robert Sapolsky and Jordan Peterson. There is an interview video I shared already. I just finished reading two awesome books by them, and I’ve got two more lined up. There are plenty of other great reads by eminent people I could suggest, but let’s focus on these two …

Do we ever know Who we are???

I’ve been really into IAI (The Institute of Art and Ideas) for a while. It’s all about discussing things we don’t fully understand yet. You might wonder, why debate if we don’t get it? Well, I think the point is to get our brains buzzing and maybe inch a bit closer to understanding. It’s like …