Showing 105 Result(s)

Principles by Ray Dalio

Principles is one of my favorite book and fortunately found his talk. Enjoy!! Ray Dalio is the founder, chair and co-chief investment officer of Bridgewater Associates, a global leader in institutional portfolio management and the largest hedge fund in the world. In this talk, Dalio shares the unconventional principles that helped him create unique results …

10 Defense Mechanisms by Sigmund Freud

Human as an unconsciously managed race, understanding ourselves could at least protect us from harming us. So, here is our Defense Mechanisms by Sigmund Freud1) Denial 2) Projection 3) Turning against the self 4) Sublimation 5) Regression 6) Rationalization 7) Intellectualization 8) Reaction Formation 9) Displacement 10) Fantasy

MegaTrends 2030

Year 2030 is near and worth to look into again what MegaTrends 2030 says about… National Intelligence Council European Commission OECD KPMG World Economic Forum

Why compassionate???

Experience from South Korea, Canada, and USA The journey of most immigrants can be quite challenging due to various obstacles encountered in a new country. However, the fundamental requirements, such as willingness and capability, are not significantly different from what they possessed in their home countries. Often, immigrants are unaware of the possibilities available to …

Year-end family trip in 2022 – Lake Tahoe

25th – On Christmas day morning, GPS says about 8.5hrs driving from Yorba Linda to Reno NV. Well, a pit stop was inevitable so we did at Denny’s. Relaxing my back and kids boredom. After Denny’s, we were able to realize that it’s getting close to Reno since lots of white snow started showing up. …


All parents who have teenagers with non-stop social media exposure!! I strongly recommend to engage this social movement which is brought up by 19 yrs old Washington University in St. Louis student, Emma Lembke. As a father of two early teens, boy and girl, I extremely experienced how much our kids get exposed into this …