Showing 114 Result(s)

The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz

Your Book of Laws We all have our books of Laws, like government or churches. It says right or wrong, good or bad, and many other things. Unfortunately, our books of Laws are not telling us what the truths are, but telling us whatever others believe. From the young age chapter 1, to the whatever …


Have you ever talked to any Like-Minded person recently?? Let’s assume that Like-minded is not always positive. So, maybe when you’re gossiping with your like-minded friend about someone else who is not there with you at the moment?? Or something like I did today at OMRF with C. Thanks C for your time and sharing …

My First TEDx Talk – Communication

I had an opportunity to talk about communication. We communicate internally and externally from the moment we awake 🙄 to the moment we asleep 😴. How do we communicate defines what life we live. Let’s learn what we can do to improve our communication!!😀🙏

4 Boys at San Clemente Pier

A labor holiday challenge to bring 4 boys to San Clemente pier 🏖. My boy and I are a big fan of ocean fishing. So this time, I’ve decided to bring his friends. Tide was changing from low to high, so it should bring fishes 🐟 toward where we located. Boys were excited how many …

Exit Window Seat

Exit Window seat is my favorite whenever I travel, unless I’m upgraded to the business class. 😀 I’m traveling a lot due to the nature of my work, Field Service Engineer, and the flight time is perfectly working for my reading habit. 📚 especially self-help, psychology, and philosophy books. Best part of the seat is …