Showing 112 Result(s)

Mastering Your Time: The Art of 3.66

I want to talk to you about something truly valuable that every one of us receives each year. It’s a gift that often goes unappreciated, yet it holds the potential to change our lives dramatically. This gift is 8760 hours. That’s right, 8760 hours is the number of hours in a year. Imagine it as …


I’m excited to announce our next book club read: “Breath” by James Nestor in July! In case you are curious about our book club. This book dives deep into something we all do, but maybe don’t think much about: breathing. It turns out, modern life might be messing with how we breathe naturally, and that …

Apple in your Mind??

You: Imagine an apple. What kind of apple comes to mind? Son: (Thinks) You: There are so many apple varieties! Is there any way I can know for sure what exact apple you pictured? The Imaginary Apple This short story is about subjectivity and the limitations of communication. The Point: Possible Applications: Further Exploration: It …

We are What We Repeatedly Do!!

Imagine you spend all your free time practicing 3 points basketball shot. You’re constantly landing into hoop. You’re consistently working on it. Here’s the thing: the more you practice, the better you become. The 3 points shot become a part of who you are. You may shot with your eyes closed. Aristotle is saying something …


Feeling stuck? Uninspired? It’s time to rewrite your story! Your emotions hold the key. Are you fired up 😁 or feeling down 😡? This very feeling can be your superpower. It shapes how you see the past, and guess what? You have the power to change that! Think of a past experience. Maybe a time …

Meaning in Tao vs Opinion in Stoic

Tao says that “There is nothing inherent in the incident that dictates its meaning. It is enough that we all recognize that it happened.” It seems that we are always trying to put some meaning in any occurrence without realization whether it needs. Can we just recognize the occurrence as “it just happened”? That’s it. …