Showing 114 Result(s)

The Total Money Makeover | Dave Ramsey

This book taught us a practical method to be frugal that I learned from Ben Franklin. Hope it could help other people. TK The Total Money Makeover teaches individuals how to get out of debt as well as how to budget. The book teaches the seven baby steps to follow in order to achieve financial …

Managing Oneself | Peter Drucker

Have you ever asked any followings? What are my strengths? How do I learn and work with others? What are my values? Where do I belong? What can I contribute? Then why hesitate, this book should be your best friend for your life journey if you haven’t found one yet. TK Click here to Read

Grit | Angela Duckworth

How “Gritty” are you? or How “Gritty” would you like to be? It’s known terminology but  may have not been noticed or discovered yet how we could improve it. It was good informative book that I would recommend. TK Click here to Read UNLOCK THE KEY TO SUCCESSIn this must-read for anyone seeking to succeed, …