Showing 114 Result(s)

Friday Dinner at Fitness Grill Kitchen

Thanks for kids that they are not interested in going out for a dinner, our couple bravely goes out for our own dinner.? Of course, some food are ready at home if kids wanted. Another great dinner out for us. ? Elk meatball was interesting one. 아이들이 저녁먹으러 나가기 싫다는 고마운(?) 의견으로 우리 부부만 용감하게 …

Influence – Robert B. Cialdini

This book is one of kinds that I would read, read and re-read. It’s just so hard to describe how valuable this book is. To me, it was like a bible of persuasion. You can click the link below to read the book or check out an interview clip at the bottom. Book Intro from …

Barefoot/Natural Running

I’ve been occasionally running BF(barefoot). Not sure when I started but it was a long time ago. Anyway, it’s something I always want to talk to people, just try and see how it feels. It’s awkward at first due to lack of protection on your feet and how people look at you. Also, you are …

animal sanctuary camping – second day

second day at the animal sanctuary camping, actually Yurt. Hot during the day and cold in the night but all good for us, since we’re surrounded by the gorgeous scenery. Enjoying to watch kids playing online (?) ? and Angela’s reading habit ?You can check a site link here. If you live near LA/San Diego, …

Back at the animal sanctuary camping – first night

We’re back at our recent finding, animal sanctuary camping. Kids met friends and so many animals last time and couldn’t wait until meeting them back. So here we go. Arrive a bit late and enjoy our first night late dinner. And parents are doing their photo shoots ? You can check a site link here. …

Homestate near CHLA

Need to spend a couple of hours before meeting a customer at CHLA research center around 530pm. Found this place “Homestate” which serves Texas’s food. Not much hungry so just grab a bottle of Shiner and crispy potatoes. Their website link is below. Check this place when you’re near CHLA. 엘에이 아동병원 연구센터에서 530분 약속전 …