Showing 112 Result(s)

The Hidden Power of Words: A Lesson from Dr. Masaru Emoto’s Water Experiment

Take a moment to observe these two images. The left one represents the crystalline structure of water exposed to positive words, thoughts, and intentions. The right one shows the distorted structure of water exposed to negativity. Dr. Masaru Emoto’s groundbreaking water experiment demonstrated how words and intentions could influence the molecular structure of water. Considering …

A Small Sushi Adventure in Corvallis, Oregon

My latest business trip took me to Corvallis, a quaint college town in Oregon, home to Oregon State University. Before arriving, I joined a local Kakao chat titled “Discovering Corvallis” to ask a simple question: “Where can I find good Korean food here?” A few names popped up, but one stood out “Cheong Song.” I …

My Cup and Your Cup

“I know that celebrity. Do you follow that influencer? My kid works at a top-tier company.”These are phrases we often hear, and some of us have likely said them ourselves at some point. As humans, we struggle with reflecting on our own “cup”—our inner self—or even recognizing its true state. Instead, we have a tendency …

What Will Never Change in Your Life?

Jeff Bezos had this great interview quote many years ago where he said, “People always ask me what is going to change in the future. I submit that a better question is, what is not going to change?” His example, when he thought about Amazon, was that you cannot imagine a future in which Amazon …

The Trap of Perfectionism

I am a perfectionist. Before starting anything, everything must be perfectly in place. I need ample time, no distractions, and all preparations complete. Only then can I begin “perfectly.” This morning, I prepared for my day with utmost perfection. I laid out my workout clothes next to my bed, selected and ironed my outfit for …