
I’m excited to announce our next book club read: “Breath” by James Nestor in July!

In case you are curious about our book club.

This book dives deep into something we all do, but maybe don’t think much about: breathing. It turns out, modern life might be messing with how we breathe naturally, and that could be hurting our health. Nestor explores the science behind this, along with the history and different cultures’ approaches to breathing.

For me, this topic hits close to home. There’s a breathing technique I actually learned from a play I was in years ago, and it sounds like it might be related to something called Chi Gong, which is popular in Southeast Asia. This technique is great for singers and actors because it helps you use your lungs more effectively.

In “Breath,” Nestor argues that most of us have forgotten how to breathe properly, and this shift to mouth breathing is linked to problems like sleep apnea, anxiety, and allergies. But there’s good news too! The book explores the benefits of nasal breathing and old breathing exercises, suggesting that relearning how to breathe can improve our overall health. Nestor even talks about some advanced techniques that can push your body’s limits and offer even more benefits.

I actually forgot about this technique I learned years ago, but luckily, this book reminded me of it! I can’t wait to see what we all learn about the power of breath in “Breath.”

Following is Nestor’s interview I enjoyed to watch. Hope you can enjoy as well.

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